
BANJARMASIN - The team from the Directorate of Water and Air Police (Ditpolairud) of the South Kalimantan Regional Police took firm action by arresting fish seekers with stun equipment which is clearly prohibited by law.

"Most recently, the results of the operation on Tuesday (2/8) we caught two people while looking for fish with a stun device in the Martapura River, precisely in Sungai Jalai Village, Sungai Tabuk District, Banjar Regency," said Acting Head of Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditpolairud South Kalimantan Police Commissioner Budi Prasetyo in Banjarmasin was reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 11.

The two suspects with the initials MH (41) and SR (42) are now being detained with evidence also confiscated by two motorized boats and a set of stun equipment used to find fish by means of electric shocks.

During the investigation, the police found several types of fish caught. Among other things, shrimp, seluang, brackish, kelampam, roast and dung.

Kompol Budi explained that catching fish with a stun device is very dangerous because it can damage the aquatic ecosystem.

"Because what we get is not only big fish suitable for consumption but also small fish or their young. This can damage the sustainability of fishery resources," he explained accompanied by the Head of Intelligence, Kompol Irwan.

Then the stun device can also threaten human life. Because not a few fish seekers who died from electrocution, including endangering other residents around the fishing location.

Therefore, it is hoped that this firm action will have a deterrent effect on the community so that they no longer use stun equipment but only use legal and environmentally friendly equipment when fishing.

Based on Article 84 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph 1 of Law No. 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries, the suspect in this case is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and a fine of IDR 1.2 billion.

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