
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) is focusing on preparing a pattern of village development in the National Capital Region (IKN) Nusantara East Kalimantan (Kaltim) in order to maintain local culture and wisdom. Ring one area of the National Capital of the Archipelago, we must prepare it properly so that it remains a village, it will not turn into an urban village," said PDTT Mendes Abdul Halim Iskandar in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 11. "We want the 11 villages in IKN to become Indonesian village storefronts, starting from their culture, associations, characteristics, how they work to democracy," said Gus Halim, as he is usually called. , he said, his ministry would involve various parties, including universities to design villages in IKN Nusantara. now there are storefronts of various models, for example the nagari model, gampong and so on so that with 11 villages in IKN anyone can have a sufficient picture of villages in Indonesia. This is also what we are focusing on," he said.

He said that the 11 villages are located in two regencies, namely 3 villages in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and eight villages in North Penajam Paser. The three villages in Kutai Kartanegara are Sungai Payang Village, Karya Jaya, and Tani Bhakti. Then, eight villages in Kutai Kartanegara namely the villages of Argo Mulyo, Bukit Raya, Bumi Harapan, Karang Jinawi, Semoi Dua, Suka Raja, Suko Mulyo, and Tengin Baru. economic development. "But citizenship, the government system is still there. The village head should not become a sub-district. Because if the kelurahan is no longer a pilkades. Of course the democracy is different," he said.

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