
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin wants Islamic boarding schools to become government partners in building prosperity, eliminating poverty, towards a developed Indonesia.

The Vice President stated this when giving a speech at the inauguration of One Islamic Boarding School One Product (OPOP) Kalimantan Expo 2022 at dr. Murjani, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Thursday, August 11, reported by Antara.

"So, the task is the same as the government. The government wants to build prosperity, towards advanced Indonesia, eliminate poverty. The government hopes that Islamic boarding schools become government partners, not enemies of the government," said the vice president.

Islamic boarding schools in addition to producing ulama, said Ma'ruf Amin, also gave birth to fighters for the homeland. However, the meaning of giving birth to fighters for the homeland in the current era is to help realize the welfare of the community.

"The pesantren should not create cadres to fight against the government. That was before (the pesantren were against) the Dutch government, now the government is our own," said the vice president.

Ma'ruf conveyed that the current task of pesantren was to build prosperity and eliminate poverty and inequality.

"Moreover, now that we are fighting the pandemic, now we echo that we will recover faster, rise up stronger," said Ma'ruf Amin.

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