
JAKARTA - Chair of the Setara Institute Hendardi praised the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who was considered to have passed the toughest test by naming Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo as the main suspect in the death of Brigadier Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

"This case is truly the toughest test for the National Police Chief, although in the end General Listyo Sigit Prabowo passed the test," said Hendardi in a written statement, in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 10, quoted from Antara.

The determination of the suspect as a former Head of the National Police Propam Division by the Special Team formed by the National Police Chief has proven that diplomacy of honesty, transparency and data-based performance has led to conclusions and facts with sufficient preliminary evidence that there has been a murder of Brigadier J involving FS.

"At first the Police seemed very careful, because the incident involved high-ranking Polri officers who also excelled and there was an attempt to obstruct the law enforcement process (obstruction of justice)," he said.

Not to mention the massive burst of information regarding this case that hampered the investigation process.

Hendardi said that the involvement of FS in the murder incident was a very important lesson that due to certain factors, members of the National Police and other law enforcers could be involved in an act that violates the law.

"In a corps, 'naughty cop' and 'clean cop' will always exist. However, as an instrument of law enforcement, the Polri institution must still carry out its legal and constitutional duties to uphold justice. Polri must be monitored and criticized, but as a mechanism, it must be trusted. , " he explained.

The steps forward by the Police in handling this case, added Hendardi, have cut off various speculations and politicizations that link this incident to many things other than the issue of the murder itself.

"Although the motive for the murder may not be revealed, the determination of the suspect for FS has focused the leadership of the Police investigation, making significant progress and breaking the politicization by many parties which has the potential to cause political and security instability," said Hendardi.

This achievement, he said, was also not only aimed at maintaining the image of the National Police, but the main thing was to show that the performance of this justice instrument was still working and trusted.

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