
JAKARTA - The National Police stated that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo had attempted to remove CCTV evidence in the case of the premeditated murder of Brigadier J. However, not for the autopsy results.

"There was no fabrication of the autopsy," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to reporters, Tuesday, August 9, evening.

According to him, the first autopsy process by the Kramat Jati Police Hospital in East Jakarta was carried out professionally.

Likewise the second autopsy. This is because the process involves the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association (PDFI) who are experts in their fields.

Later, all the autopsy results of Brigadier J's body will be presented. Thus, the public can find out the cause of the wounds on Brigadier J.

"Later on, the Forensic Medicine Association in the near future will announce the results of the second autopsy or we have carried out the exhumation yesterday," said Dedi.

Originally, the Timsus carried out an exhumation process and a re-autopsy on the body of Brigadier J.

A re-autopsy was carried out because there was a request from the family who believed there was an element of premeditated murder behind the case.

The autopsy process on Brigadier J's body was carried out at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital, Muaro Jambi some time ago.

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