
SULTRA - The Kendari City Health Office (Dinkes), Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), recorded the number of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in the area until July 2022 reached 170 cases.

The Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Kendari City Health Office, Elffi Syarifuddin, said that from the total cases of dengue fever in Kendari there were four deaths.

He detailed that two cases occurred in April and two other cases occurred in July 2022. "Death due to dengue disease occurred in children aged 6 to 14 years," said Elffi Syarifuddin, quoted from Antara.

In addition, said Elffi, the factor that caused the four cases of death due to DHF was the delay in bringing patients to health facilities.

"Because people think they only have an ordinary fever and it turns out that after the examination, they are already in the second phase which has entered the critical phase and the treatment is too late, causing death and four cases of death due to DHF have occurred in several hospitals in Kendari City," he said.

According to Elffi, to maximize the prevention of dengue fever is to always apply (3M), drain water reservoirs, close water reservoirs and bury used goods.

"So for that, we hope that people will continue to maintain cleanliness, especially always apply the three M around the house to avoid dengue disease," he hoped.

Furthermore, Elffi added that by further promoting 3M in the home environment, it can prevent the potential for larvae breeding from getting smaller.

"With the more we are diligent in implementing 3M, the place for larval growth can be minimized," he said.

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