
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has scheduled an investigation by requesting information from Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Thursday, August 11, regarding the case of the death of Brigadier J.

"We are looking for a definite schedule and are negotiating; but as much as possible at Komnas HAM," said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 9.

Regarding what materials or descriptions will be asked by Komnas HAM to Ferdy Sambo, Taufan is reluctant to tell because this is in the realm of investigation.

Prior to the scheduled examination of Ferdy Sambo, Komnas HAM scheduled a request for information related to the ballistic test with the Special Team (Timsus) of the National Police on Wednesday (10/8). The agenda had previously been postponed several times due to requests from the Police.

"We really hope that the Timsus and Police Headquarters investigators will fulfill the agreed agenda tomorrow so that it will not be delayed," he added.

Meanwhile, the Komnas HAM team has just finished requesting information from the National Police regarding cyber. The inspection did not last long, around 30 minutes.

Taufan explained that cyber inquiries complement the materials that have been collected. All materials and information will be analyzed internally to make conclusions.

"The material, of course, provides more information and data to clarify this issue," he explained.

Meanwhile, Komnas HAM member Mohammad Choirul Anam said his party used a chronological scenario to investigate the case of Brigadier J.

Regarding the differences in Bharada E's statements at the beginning and after, this has become a separate note for Komnas HAM in investigating the case.

"We can not conclude at this time," said Anam.

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