
JAKARTA - United States authorities have officially banned visitors from entering the Hyperion tree (Sequoia sempervirens), which is certified by Guinness World Records as the world's tallest living tree.

California's Redwood National Park said in a statement last week that anyone caught near the tree could face up to six months in prison and a fine of US$5,000.

The tree, which sits deep in the forest and has no trails leading to it, is facing serious environmental degradation from thrill-seekers who have been visiting since 2006, when it was discovered by a pair of naturalists.

The beach redwood (sequoia sempervirens) is 115.92 meters (380 ft) tall. His name comes from Greek mythology, Hyperion is one of the Titans and the father of the sun god Helios and the moon goddess Selene.

"The Hyperion lies off the beaten path through dense vegetation and requires heavy bushwhacking to reach the tree," read a statement on the national park's website.

"Despite the arduous journey, the increased popularity due to bloggers, travel writers and websites of this off-trail tree has resulted in the destruction of the habitat around Hyperion," the statement read.

hyperion tree
illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/National Park Service Digital Image Archives)

"As a visitor, you must decide whether to be a part of preserving this unique landscape, or are you going to be a part of its destruction?"

Leonel Arguello, the park's Head of Natural Resources, told the San Francisco Gate news site the area has limited cell phone and GPS service, meaning it's very difficult to rescue lost or injured hikers in the area.

Besides the erosion and damage that occurs at the base of the tree, there is a secondary problem stemming from the influx of people.

"There is garbage, and people are making more 'shortcuts' to use the bathroom. They leave used toilet paper and human waste, which is not a good thing," Arguello criticized.

Human visitors are not the only risk to these giant trees. Wildfires are a growing concern throughout California's national parks.

In 2021, officials at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are taking extreme measures to protect some of the world's largest trees from fires.

It is known that General Sherman, considered the world's largest tree, is defined by density not height, as it is shorter than the Hyperion, wrapped in an "aluminum-based fuel-resistant material" similar to tinfoil, as a way to keep it safe during a catastrophic disaster. destroyed the KNP Complex last year.

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