
MATARAM - Special Criminal Investigators of the Mataram State Prosecutor's Office, West Nusa Tenggara, examined at least dozens of witnesses in cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of cattle seeds at the West Lombok Agriculture Service in 2020.

The Head of the Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section, Ida Bagus Putu Widnyana, said that the examination of witnesses was part of the investigator's efforts to complete the file.

"So, every week there is an examination. So far, at least dozens of witnesses have been examined," said Bagus in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Monday, August 8.

The witnesses who underwent the investigation by investigators, he said, included the Procurement Service Unit (ULP) of the West Lombok Agriculture Service, and community groups (Pokmas) receiving cattle seeds.

Considering that the number of recipients is quite large, reaching hundreds of people, Bagus ensures that his party has not yet entered the fieldwork agenda to check the condition of the cattle.

"The focus is on the witnesses first. When it's finished, then it's time to go to the field, that's the agenda," he said.

Based on data from the West Lombok LPSE official website, in 2020 there will be three procurements of cattle breeds. The first package is an exotic or simmental type of cattle breed with a budget ceiling of IDR 540 million.

The project was carried out by a company with the initials NMU from Central Lombok Regency with an offer price of IDR 489 million.

The company NMU again won the tender for the second package for the procurement of male cattle with an offer price of Rp.453.6 million from the budget ceiling of Rp.504 million.

The third procurement project is budgeted for through the 2020 Revised Regional Budget. The procurement is carried out by the West Lombok Agriculture Service with a budget ceiling of IDR 2.244 billion for the procurement of 264 cattle breeds.

The tender for the procurement of the third package of cattle seeds was attended by 34 participants. The winner is the company with the initials BJ which is located in Bima City with an offer price of IDR 1.977 billion.

Regarding the role of project implementers, Bagus ensured that investigators had not conducted an investigation. Likewise with the search for potential state losses. "In time there will be all of that, but there is a series, just wait," he said.

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