
JAKARTA – MID, BCL's manager, is said to have used drugs since 2021. This was conveyed by the Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Akmal.

"It's a kind of sedative. It's been used for almost a year since 2021," said Grand Commissioner Adjutant Akmal, quoting Antara, Friday, August 5.

During that period, MID was suspected of using illicit goods without a doctor's prescription.

Because of this, the police immediately made an arrest at MID's house on Thursday, August 4. When arrested, MID was conscious and quite cooperative.

Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) and Doddy/Photo: Instagram @doddyasyah

"So when our team came to the place concerned, they were cooperative, including when we found the fourth class of psychotropic substances," he said.

During the arrest, the police found seven alprazolam pills in MID's house. MID is still undergoing further investigation at the West Jakarta Metro Police.

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