
JAKARTA - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was a deliberate attempt to harass China.

Speaking during a visit to Myanmar, Lavrov criticized the United States and said it acted with impunity.

"I see no other reason to make such a disturbance almost sudden, knowing very well what it means for the People's Republic of China," Foreign Minister Lavrov said.

Pelosi's arrival on Tuesday in Taiwan sparked an angry response from Beijing, at a time when international tensions have been heightened by the conflict in Ukraine.

As previously reported, China's Foreign Ministry said it had lodged a strong protest with the United States, saying Pelosi's visit severely damaged peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, "had a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, and seriously violated our sovereignty and territorial integrity." China.

It was followed by Chinese warplanes buzzing across the line that bisects the Taiwan Strait before his arrival. China's military has been on high alert and will launch a "targeted military operation" in response to Pelosi's visit, the Defense Ministry said.

Not only that, the Chinese military announced joint air and sea drills near Taiwan from Tuesday evening and tested a conventional missile launch in the sea east of Taiwan, with China's state news agency Xinhua describing live-fire drills and other drills around Taiwan from Thursday to Sunday.

Russia has expressed support for China, forged strong partnerships in recent years and has warned Washington that Pelosi's visit puts her on a path of clash with Beijing.

Moscow and Beijing both adhere to the "One China" principle, recognizing Taiwan as part of China and opposing the island's independence.

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