
SURABAYA - Sio Petrus, the owner of a dog slaughterer who has been in business since 2004, said his dog cooking business was "out of business" or closed for good.

"Then I will close, I will not sell anymore," said Petrus, met on Jalan Pesapen IV, Sumur Welut Village, Lakarsantri District, Surabaya, Tuesday, August 2.

For a dozen years, Petrus sold dog-cooked meat to meet the daily needs of his parents and family. He sells it to order from consumers who love dog meat. "I do this to meet the needs of both parents," he said.

Petrus got a dog to buy from Kedamean, Gresik Regency, with a price ranging from Rp. 200 to Rp. 300 thousand per head. He then killed the dog to be cooked to order. "I don't sell every day, depending on the order. I sell Rp. 25,000 per kilogram," he said.

In the process, the dog was killed by hanging to death with his mouth closed. The goal is that the dog does not bark, disturbing neighbors around. "After death, it is then burned and skinned to be cooked to order," he said.

Petrus felt innocent, because dogs are not protected animals. Petrus also admitted that he had never tortured dogs. He was confused about what he had done wrong, so he reported it to the police.

"I have never killed a dog by torture, let alone beat it unconscious or died. My dog was hanged to death, I didn't torture it," he said.

The dog slaughterhouse in Pesapen IV, Sumur Welut Village, Lakarsantri District, Surabaya was raided by animal lovers and the police on Sunday, July 31, 2022. During the raid, four dogs were found to be killed.

The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, has coordinated with the Surabaya Police regarding the dog slaughter case in his area. This is because the owner of the dog slaughter violated PP No. 95 of 2019.

"If there is a slaughterhouse or dog slaughterhouse, then it is not according to the rules. I have coordinated with the Surabaya Police Station regarding this," said Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 2.

In addition to violating PP number 95 of 2019, Eri also said that the dog slaughterhouse disturbed the order of the surrounding community. Eri Cahyadi emphasized that animal slaughter is only allowed at the abattoir that is already available.

"There are only a few types of livestock that can be slaughtered. The slaughter must also be monitored, and dogs are not one of them," he said.

According to Eri Cahyadi, this case is a common problem that must be eradicated. He assessed that the problem was not only a problem for the Surabaya City Government to improve the welfare of the people with low-income families.

"This is not an economic problem, yes, because it goes back to humans. If bad qualities are violated, this kind of soul must be accompanied. Government socialization should not be tired," he said.

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