JAKARTA - Many are talking about why Bonge, Roy and Jeje are 'slebew' who are in the spotlight because of Citayam Fashion Week. Even though there are many Indonesian sons and daughters who have made achievements, they are proud of the Red and White.
This is what happened at the 2022 World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA) Competition in Anaheim, Southern California. Great news coming from Anaheim, southern California on the achievements
the achievements of the Indonesian contingent in the WCOPA 2022 (World Champions of Performing Arts) international activities with medals from various categories in the event.
The competition, which was held from July 24-30, 2022 at the Anaheim Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Orange County, was attended by more than 30 countries including the Indonesian Team which included 15 participants in various categories and age groups.

From the two categories of junior and senior age groups, the Indonesian contingent won more than 30 medals, of which Junior contributed 12 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 10 bronze medals.
There was also the senior category that succeeded in adding to the medal coffers after Nadia Suwarno, Roferina and Exel Layarg took the podium for the medals in the categories aged 18-24 and 16-17 vocal R&B and soul jazz.
At this event, Arsy Hermansyah, son of musician Anang Hermansyah, became the highlight of the WCOPA 2022 competition. Arsy is the youngest Indonesian contestant with 6 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 6 overalls for the vocal category.

Arsy's mother, Ashanti Hastuti, never expected Arsy to be the Indonesian contestant with the most medals in this competition.
This is the result of careful preparation and special training before leaving for California," said Anang Hermansyah as quoted from a press release from the Indonesian Consulate General for Social and Cultural Affairs in Los Angeles received by VOI.
"I'm very proud, not only because of Arsy, but we as representatives of Indonesia and can make our country proud," continued Anang.
Besides Arsy, there were also several Indonesian delegates in the Junior performer category with many medals, including Nathasia Djong with 9 medals and Yohanes Azka with 5 medals in various competition categories.

The Indonesian Consul General in Los Angeles, Saud Purwanto Krisnawan, who was present on the special occasion, said he was proud of the achievements of the Indonesian contingent. Saud said that the young Indonesian participants were ambassadors of the nation in promoting the image and culture of Indonesia.
The Indonesian Consul General also expressed his appreciation to Ms. Feibe Pusung, as the Director of the World Championship of Performing Arts Indonesia and Lucky Display as a trainer who had seriously prepared the participation of the Indonesian contingent in the event.
WCOPA is a world-class performing arts competition that has legitimacy and the Indonesian contingent has participated since 2015. We hope that the participation of young Indonesian talents can continue to be supported by the government and the creative industry so that they can
open insight and access to pursue a career in the international arena, “said Saud.
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