
JAKARTA - The United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is said to be in the midst of cracking because it is diligent in inviting other political parties to join. Although Golkar, PAN and PPP stated that they were solid, the three political parties were considered not strong enough to carry a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Executive Director of Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah assessed that currently the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is in an open situation. This means, said Dedi, the opportunity and opportunity to get new partners is equivalent to the opportunity to lose political party partners who are currently in the KIB carriage.

"The current situation, there is still a wide opportunity for coalition changes, including in KIB, the opportunity to get a partner is equivalent to the opportunity to lose a partner or disband," said Dedi in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 2.

According to Dedi, the possible political party to join KIB is NasDem. Because, from a point of view, NasDem is similar to Golkar.

"A strategic partner that might be in line with KIB is NasDem, considering that NasDem has a political perspective similar to Golkar, also because there are no potential figures emerging from Nasdem," he said.

Meanwhile, said Dedi, the political parties being approached by KIB, namely the Democrats and PKS, were actually in another carriage. In fact, both of them have the potential to attract other parties to join.

"Meanwhile, Democrats and PKS are quite difficult to approach, at least not only because they are currently in different carriages, also because Democrats have potential figures. These two parties are more likely to attract new members, compared to being members of an existing coalition," he said.

Even so, according to Dedi, KIB's efforts were not easy to lure NasDem into a carriage filled with Golkar, PAN, and PPP. Given the Ketum NasDem Surya Paloh has its own political character.

"But even NasDem is not easy to join, considering that Surya Paloh has a strong political character. Moreover, NasDem already has a choice, for example the ones announced earlier, namely Anies Baswedan, and Andika Perkasa," he said.

Dedi added that until now KIB has not announced the presidential candidate that will be carried. This, according to him, makes KIB not yet strong enough.

"As long as the coalition does not have a direct figure, or at least has a strong figure, then the coalition is certainly still weak, because they only have a community without a bond, namely the continuous figure," said Dedi.

Previously, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan, invited the Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to join the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). This invitation is to make KIB stronger and stronger in carrying out the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

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