
BOGOR - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) examination of Bogor Regency was followed up by the local DPRD with a plan to discuss the Bogor Regent's Accountability Report (LKPj) in 2021.

"After we receive the LHP, we will discuss the Bogor Regent's LKPj in 2021 based on the latest BPK LHP," said Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Rudy Susmanto in Cibinong, Bogor, Tuesday, August 2.

According to him, the latest LHP from the BPK will be the basis for the Bogor Regency DPRD in discussing the Bogor Regent's LKPj in 2021.

So far, his party has deliberately not discussed the LKPj of the Bogor Regent in 2021, because the DPRD is waiting for the results of the latest BPK examination.

Rudy also ensured that he would follow up on all recommendations from the West Java representative BPK in the 2021 Regional Government Financial Report LHP.

"We will also follow up on all the recommendations given by the BPK to build a better Bogor Regency," said Rudy, according to Antara.

He explained that in the near future the Bogor Regency DPRD will hold a Plenary Meeting with the agenda of Submission of General Budget Policy and Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2023 APBD as well as the Bogor Regent's LKPj in 2021.

Previously, the Bogor Regency Government received a qualified opinion (WDP) on

Local Government Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2021 from BPK representatives of West Java.

WDP's opinion was symbolically accepted by the acting Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD Muhammad Romli at the BPK RI Office, Bandung City, Monday 1 August.

Iwan together with the Bogor Regency Government admitted that they had tried their best in presenting transparent and accountable financial reports in accordance with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning Government Accounting Standards.

However, in the eyes of BPK, there are still some shortcomings that need to be improved and must be followed up seriously for the sake of improving future financial statements.

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