
JAKARTA - The police are investigating the findings of a social assistance package (bansos) buried in Serab Village, Sukmajaya, Depok, West Java. A number of parties, ranging from JNE to representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs, were questioned.

"The Depok Police Satreskrim made a summons in order to clarify what we have done today. Among them are from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, JNE Central and also JNE Depok," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Monday, August 1 .

From the inspection process, it is known that PT DNR is a vendor that holds the distribution of social assistance packages from the government to the Depok area in 2020.

Meanwhile, JNE is the party that PT DNR cooperates with to distribute the basic food packages.

"JNE as a courier service that delivers to recipients whose names are already on the list made by the government," he said

Then, from the results of the examination, it was obtained regarding the quota for social assistance in the contract. JNE is said to have received hundreds of thousands of tons of rice for distribution.

"The amount of rice sent by JNE under the contract from PT DNR as the winner of the contract from the government, based on the results of today's inspection, is around hundreds of thousands of tons," said Zulpan.

The question of the cause behind the buried rice for basic needs is currently being investigated. The search for evidence and clues is still ongoing.

The presidential social assistance package was found in the Kampung Serab area, Sukmajaya, Depok, West Java, on Sunday, July 31.

The discovery of goods suspected of being a presidential social assistance for residents affected by COVID-19 buried in the ground was revealed after the heirs of the land owner, Rudi Samin, carried out excavations using heavy equipment and were being handled by the Depok Police.

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