
JAKARTA - The President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Ahmad Syaikhu said that his party respected the plan to form a coalition between the National Awakening Party (PKB) and Gerindra which was being widely reported on.

"Of course, we respect that there are parties that want to form a coalition, I respect it. If PKB is with Gerindra, we respect it," Syaikhu told reporters at the Muhammadiyah Da'wah Center Building, Jakarta, Antara, Friday, July 29.

According to him, basically, the formation of coalitions by political parties in the country deserves respect because it is an effort to raise more candidates in the contestation in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

"This coalition is part of what we have to take care of together so that more candidates can advance in the 2024 election contestation," said Syaikhu.

Then, he added, if the coalition between PKB and Gerindra is really realized, the plan to form a coalition between PKS and PKB with the name "red ants" will automatically be cancelled.

"Yes, automatically (cancelled)," said Syaikhu.

In the midst of coalitions that already exist or are planned to be formed soon, such as the United Indonesia Coalition which has been formed by the Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP) or the coalition planned to be formed by PKB and Gerindra, Syaikhu emphasized that PKS have not yet decided which coalition will be their choice.

The decision, he said, would be discussed further with the PKS Shura Council.

"(The choice of coalition) will be discussed further with the Shura Council. In the future, we will carry out (the discussion)," said Syaikhu.

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