
PADANG - Students in the city of Padang who are still stubborn in brawling will be arrested by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP). Brawls have occurred frequently in Padang over the past few days.

The head of the Padang City Satpol PP Mursalim said his party was taking preventive action by sending its members to supervise the school environment.

Recently, the Satpol PP of the City of Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) secured 10 students who were found wandering outside the school during class hours.

"We will carry out this patrol every day and will control students who hang out in stalls during class hours," he said in Padang, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 29.

The students were taken into custody during surveillance on Jalan Cemara, Lolong Belanti Village, West Padang District, Friday, July 29.

The Satpol PP officers carried out coaching actions for the 10 students with their families and schools in the Padang City Satpol PP Command Headquarters Hall.

Parents and school administrators are committed to ensuring they can no longer roam outside the school environment during class hours.

Mursalim said, in accordance with the direction of the Mayor of Padang Hendri Septa, the Satpol PP intensified supervision to ensure that no students were out of school during class hours.

He also appealed to residents to support efforts to prevent brawls between students.

"Of course, to overcome this brawl cannot be done by officers alone, but it is very necessary for the participation of the community to participate in monitoring and anticipating brawls occurring in their environment," he said.

The Padang Police previously arrested six students who were suspected of committing a brawl in front of the Padang State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 in Kuranji District.

According to the Head of the Opsnal Unit of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Ipda Adrian Afandi, the six students who were listed as students of SMKN 5 Padang, SMK Tamsis, and SMK Nusatama were secured in the Nanggalo District area.

"We managed to secure sharp weapons from the hands of two perpetrators in the form of sickles and katana, while the other four were participants in the brawl," he said.

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