
JAKARTA - A joint team from the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office (Kejari Jakut) and the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office arrested Harry Suganda (49) convicted of money laundering in two banks with a value of Rp400 billion, who had been fugitive for four months.

Harry was arrested at his home in the Petogogan area, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Head of the Intelligence Section (Kasi Intel) of the Jakut Kejari, Sofyan Iskandar Alam, said that after his arrest, his party would hand Harry over to the Cipinang Class I Detention Center, East Jakarta.

"Earlier at 12.15 WIB, we secured him from his house, along with the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who also joined him," said Sofyan in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 28.

Sofyan said Harry became a convict through the Supreme Court's decision No. 422 K/Pid.Sus/2022 dated February 22, 2022. Then, the North Jakarta District Attorney accepted the decision in March 2022. At the time of the summons, for four months the convict's whereabouts were unknown. Only today, the Fugitive Arrest Team managed to arrest the person concerned at his home. "We took him to the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office for us to complete the administration. After that we took him to the Cipinang Rutan," said Sofyan.

Harry Suganda was previously found guilty of violating Article 378 of the Criminal Code and Article 3 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention of the Eradication of Money Laundering (TPPU) in the case of applying for a working capital loan to Bank Mandiri amounting to Rp250 billion and Bank QNB amounting to Rp150 billion. He was sentenced to nine years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, provided that if the fine was not paid, it was replaced with eight months' imprisonment.

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