
KENDARI - The Kendari Basarnas conducted a search operation for seven fishermen after the boat being used experienced an engine failure between Tanjung Toronipa and Menui Island.

The head of Kendari Basarnas Aris Sofingi said that his party received information about the incident from one of the victims' families.

"At 18.12 WITA, we received information from Mr. Andi Tajudin, one of the families of the victims, reported that there had been a shipwreck, in which one ship had an engine failure between Tanjung Toronipa and Menui Island with seven passengers on board," he said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 27.

Based on the report, at 18.30 WITA, the Kendari Search and Rescue Office (KPP) Rescue Team was dispatched using the Pacitan SAR KN of Pacitan to provide SAR assistance.

"The distance from the location of the incident to the Kendari Basarnas Pier is about 29 nautical miles," he explained.

He explained that the fishing boat departed from Kendari to the waters around Menui Island to look for fish. However, on the way to the location, around 16.00 WITA the ship was hit by a wave and the engine died.

"The captain of the ship contacted his family to report the matter to the Kendari KPP. Thus, we will convey further developments," said Aris.

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