
JAKARTA - Komnas HAM still needs about 20 percent of materials from the digital and cyber side to reveal the bright side behind the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta some time ago.

On today's agenda, Komnas HAM has obtained quite a lot of data from the Cyber Lab for Bareskrim Police Team. One of them is about the record of the journey of Brigadier J and his entourage from Magelang to Jakarta.

"Right now, there are only 20 more that we really need to strengthen the bright sides of the incident," explained Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam at his office, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 27.

In a meeting with the Cyber-Forensic Team of the Police, Anam said that his party saw in detail 20 CCTV videos taken at 27 points of the Magelang-Jakarta trip.

As a result, all conversations, the location of the stop, the clothes used by the group can be known. By the time he arrived in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, according to Anam, Brigadier J was still alive.

"If you look at the video, one of the most important is the video from Magelang to Duren Tiga, what happened, where did it stop, what clothes were there, you could see it there," explained Anam.

In fact, continued Anam, everything for the PCR process was recorded properly. "Including, for example, is there a PCR procession in the video? Yes! There is a PCR process in the video with a clock, there is a PCR procession there. Who is being PCRed? All including the late Joshua," he explained.

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