
JAKARTA - Papuan People's Assembly member Toni Wanggai hopes that the 2024 General Election in the three new autonomous regions (DOB) will remain under the control of the Papua Province General Election Commission (KPU).

"Our advice is still to stick with the old KPU, because it has entered the election stage," Toni said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 26.

He said the establishment of the new KPU, particularly in the three Papua New Guineans, namely the Provinces of South Papua, Central Papua and Papua Mountains, requires a long time and process.

Meanwhile, according to him, the stages of the election are already underway and cannot be disturbed.

Toni said another consideration was related to the Regulation of the Indonesian General Elections Commission Number 6 of 2021 regarding the Update of the 2024 Pilkada Preparation Data regarding the rule that voters must have an Electronic Identity Card (e-KTP).

Based on data from the Bawaslu of Papua Province, Toni said, only about 10 percent of people from 29 regencies/cities in four provinces in Papua have e-KTPs.

The lowest e-KTP ownership, he continued, was in the provinces of Central Papua and Papua Mountains.

The low ownership of e-KTP is caused by several factors, such as geographical factors that are difficult to reach, the spread of the community is too wide, and the low mastery of technology in the village.

To accommodate the aspirations of the Papuan people who do not have an e-KTP, the implementation of elections in Papua is still implementing the noken system.

"There are several regencies and cities using noken sounds, especially in the mountainous provinces of Papua and Central Papua," said Toni.

The legal basis for the use of the noken system is based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 47/81/PHPU.A/VII/2009 regarding the noken system according to the culture of the indigenous Papuans and the Constitutional Court's decision Number 6/32/PHPU.DPD/XII/2012 dated 25 June 2021 regarding the noken system is only used on a limited basis.

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