
MEDAN - At least two hajj pilgrims from Sragen Regency, Central Java (Central Java) had to be left at Kualanamu Airport, Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra). Haji who joined the Solo Debarkation group 15 was left because he was sick and then he was referred to a local hospital.

The Public Relations Coordinator of the Solo Debarkation Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) Sarip Sahrul Samsudin explained that the sick hajj was Tugimin Wirosumarto (62), a resident of Karangsido RT 04 Karangtalon, Tanon District, Sragen.

He has a heart problem. His treatment at the Medan area hospital was accompanied by his wife, who is also a Hajj group 15 for Solo Debarkation.

"This sick Hajj is being treated at the Deli Serdang Regional Hospital and accompanied by his wife so that there are two pilgrims left in Medan," said Sarip at the Hajj Dohudan Boyolali Dormitory, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 26.

Sarip said the arrival of the combined Solo Debarkation group 15 hajj pilgrims from Sragen, Magelang, Semarang City, and two people from Manokwari arrived at Adi Soemarmo Boyolali Airport, on Monday, July 25, at 23.00 WIB.

Hajj group 15 departed from the Holy Land to the country with 360 pilgrims, but there were two pilgrims who had to be left at Medan Kualanamu Airport, due to heart problems and were immediately referred to Deli Serdang Regional Hospital for intensive treatment.

The 15th group of pilgrims arrived at the Donohu Hajj Dormitory and the number was reduced to 358 people. With the arrival of the 15th group, the total number of Solo Debarkation hajj pilgrims who have been repatriated to their respective regions is 5,390 people.

The number of pilgrims from Central Java who are still being treated at the Indonesian Hajj Hospital and Health Clinic (KKHI) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, is seven people.

Sarip explained that the Solo Debarkation pilgrims who died in the Holy Land were reported to have increased by one person, bringing the total to 16 people.

One person died in the name of Boki Marhaban Abu (54), a resident of Kawung Raya No. 53 RT 09/04 Tlogosari Kulon, Semarang City, Central Java.

The Hajj was reported to have died at the Indonesian Hajj Organizing Agency (BPHI), in Medina, Saudi Arabia, on Sunday, July 24, at 19.30 WAS, due to cardiovascular disease. The body was then buried in the Uhud Public Cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

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