
MAKASSAR - The candidate pair for mayor of Makassar, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda campaigned in Tamalate District. The two of them visited several points in Parang Tambung and Balang Baru Villages.

Deng Ical, Syamsu Rizal's nickname, confirmed his intention to become mayor of Makassar. This intention is based on serving, serving the people and ensuring that citizens' rights are fulfilled.

“I want to be mayor, not to be boss. Not a power orientation, let alone enrich yourself. I want to become mayor because I want to serve the community. I want to make sure the citizens' rights are fulfilled, ”said Deng Ical, Tuesday, November 10.

Deng Ical emphasized, the rights of citizens that the government must pay attention to are basic rights such as education, health and necessities of life.

"The government must be present to take over the burden of society, especially the middle to lower class. His life needs must be fulfilled, as well as education and health, ”explained Deng Ical, who is known as the DILAN partner and doctor Fadli.

If he wins the Makassar Pilkada, Deng Ical ensures that the economic population below becomes a priority for service.

"The government must be present to ensure that these poor people do not lose hope. The government must guarantee, "said Deng Ical candidate number 3 in the Makassar Pilkada.

Candidate for Mayor of Makassar serial number 3 Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) when meeting residents / DOK. Timses

Because of that, for Deng Ical to become mayor, there is no need to indulge in grandiose programs. According to him, the mayor of Makassar only needs to ensure that his citizens' daily needs are met.

"For us, the residents of Makassar are the most important," explained the former Deputy Mayor of Makassar.

Likewise with health. Makassar government, if candidate number 3 DILAN is elected, must ensure the best service to the community. Therefore, DILAN initiated the one-doctor RW program.

"Even if someone is sick and has to be cared for, the government must also be present to ensure that the treatment is good and there is no need to bother thinking about costs. It's just that it doesn't mean it. Choose Miki Deng Ical and Fadli Ananda, give them the mayor of our city, next is Deng Ical's task to think about everything, "he concluded.

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