
JAKARTA - The first batch of the Presidential Staff School (SSP) has officially started. Thirty-five participants immediately followed the leadership class by the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko.

Before delivering his presentation, Moeldoko first shared his experience in shaping the spirit of leadership. He said, the momentum was obtained when he had the opportunity to attend a meeting with the TNI AD leadership.

"Where I am the only Captain in the midst of the Generals. That's where my eyes are opened to the complexity of the problems that must be faced by the leaders. Since then, I have started to focus on finding and becoming a solution to the problems faced. I present it to the SSP participants," said Moeldoko at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, in his statement, Monday, July 25.

Moeldoko said, leaders must understand the problem. That's why he asked the SSP participants to really take advantage of the opportunity to learn and gain experience in managing the country at the Presidential Staff Office.

“Managing the country is not easy. Managing a country takes experience. What you get here (Presidential Staff Office) can be a provision to become a leader full of references," said Moeldoko.

"Leaders who really understand the problem, and are not just commentators who don't understand what is being discussed," he added.

On that occasion, Moeldoko also explained the performance achievements of the Presidential Staff Office in unraveling various issues related to the government's strategic programs and issues. Such as handling and controlling COVID-19, agrarian reform, reducing stunting, and the issue of fuel subsidies for fishermen.

"In the future, our challenges are still big. The threat of climate change to the food and energy crisis. In your hands, these challenges must be resolved," Moeldoko exclaimed.

The Presidential Staff School (SSP) will be held from July 25-29 2022. Of the 70 thousand participants who registered, only 35 talents were declared to have passed the selection. For five days, they will receive various materials and experiences related to the duties of the Presidential Staff Office in overseeing and controlling the programs and strategic issues of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

The participants came from various educational backgrounds. Starting from SMA, S1, and S2.

"I make sure, the selection of SSP participants is going tight and doesn't have any interest," concluded Moeldoko.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko inaugurated the opening of the Presidential Staff School (SSP), at the Bina Graha building Jakarta (Photo via KSP)

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