
SUKABUMI - A travel car carrying a group of tourists from Tangerang, Banten, overturned at Early Rise, Cilego Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, causing the death of a passenger.

"As a result of a single accident that occurred in Girimukti Village, Ciemas District, one tourist died at the location, two people were seriously injured, and 11 other people were slightly injured," said Head of the Social Security Unit of the Sukabumi Police, Ipda M Yanuar Fajar, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

Information gathered from the police stated that the single accident occurred on Sunday at around 16.00 WIB. At that time, the travel bus with police number B 7762 TAA driven by Sukarman carried 14 tourists from Tangerang and wanted to go home after traveling at the Ciletuh Geopark tourist attraction, Ciemas District.

Initially the speed of the vehicle was running in normal conditions, but when crossing the Early Rise, precisely when it was on a derivative and a sharp bend, the driver could not control the speed of the bus because the brakes did not work.

The condition of the road that declined and was quite steep caused the speed of the vehicle to accelerate and eventually hit the road divider and rolled over which resulted in one tourist on behalf of Rosalia Sri Widianingsih, a resident of Jalan Teratai E 16 /11, RT 04/12, Bugel Village, Karawaci District, Tangerang City. , died on the spot.

Then two other tourists on behalf of Magdalena, a resident of Dasana Indah, Block BDG Number 22 Bonang, Tangerang, and Jera, a resident of Bekasi, West Java, were seriously injured. The dead and injured victims have now been evacuated to Palabuhanratu Hospital.

The police have investigated the crime scene (TKP) and asked for information from several witnesses, including survivors, related to a single accident that killed a tourist.

"From the results of a temporary investigation, this accident was caused by the travel bus carrying dozens of tourists whose brakes failed so that the driver could not control the speed of the vehicle, which continued to increase in speed," he added.

The police appeal to anyone who wants to go to the Ciletuh Geopark area before leaving to make sure the condition of the vehicle, starting from the engine, brakes, tires, and others is really roadworthy because the terrain to the tourist attraction has many climbs, derivatives, and steep bends.

In addition, the condition of the driver must be really fit and know the terrain or road conditions. During the trip, the driver must always pay attention to traffic signs or signs and do not force driving if the body is tired or sleepy.

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