
BADUNG - The Badung Police Team evacuates an Australian citizen who was found dead in a ditch. Allegedly the victim of a single accident on Jalan Bumbak, Kuta, Badung, Bali.

"Today, July 24, 2022 at around 05.10 WITA, the body of a foreign man was found in a ditch, it is suspected that the victim lost control (while riding a motorcycle)," said Head of the Public Relations Section of the Badung Police, Iptu Ketut Suardana in Denpasar, Bali, as reported by ANTARA. , Sunday, July 24.

After an examination, the victim was identified with the initials KTC (27), an Australian citizen who was on vacation in Bali.

According to information from a local resident named I Wayan Sumertha (42), at around 05.10 WITA, when crossing the TKP from the west, he saw something odd in the ditch.

Then the witness stopped and took his cellphone for lighting and saw a black Honda Vario Techno motorcycle in the gutter.

In the ditch, the witness saw the legs of the victim who was thought to have died. After that, the witness immediately contacted the Anyar Kelod traditional village Prajuru to visit the location of the case (TKP).

Meanwhile, I Wayan Rudita (45), a resident of Anyar Kelod village, Kerobokan Village, North Kuta District, Badung, said that while he was at home, the witness received a call from the community providing information that a dead foreigner was found in a ditch.

Furthermore, at 06.00 WITA the witness arrived at the TKP and immediately checked and it was true that there were foreigners who were suspected of having died. Knowing the condition, the witness then contacted the police.

At around 06.30 WITA, the Badung Police Small Complete Unit (UKL) team through the North Kuta Police led by the Supervising Officer of the Yanmin Intelligence Committee of the North Kuta Toba Police at the TKP and immediately processed the scene and examined witnesses.

Seven bottles of beer

The victim's body was evacuated at 07.15 WITA using an ambulance belonging to the Badung Regency BPBD to Sanglah Hospital.

From the crime scene, the police then secured a number of pieces of evidence in the form of a cellphone, a wallet containing two Rp100,000 bills, two ATM cards belonging to the victim and a Honda Vario motorcycle with Police number DK 2891 FBE that the victim was driving.

"The victim who died, an Australian citizen, was in a ditch in front of Villa Number 28 A, Jalan Bumbak, Anyar Kelod neighborhood, Kuta, it is suspected that he lost control, because at the TKP there were marks of a collision on the gutter wall," said Iptu Ketut Suardana.

In addition, said Ketut Suardana, at the TKP seven bottles of Bintang beer were found, thus confirming the suspicion that the victim was drunk on a motorbike and also the lack of street lighting at the scene so that the victim could not clearly see the condition of the road.

At the beginning of the incident, the victim's position was hit by his motorbike and there were no witnesses to see so that the victim was too late to get help.

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