
JAKARTA - The disbandment of SCBD youths (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong, Depok) in the Dukuh Atas area, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, was marked by resistance from local youth. They tried to return to the location to hold a fashion show.

"Last night, our joint officers disbanded. We have disbanded them but they are trying to return to their meeting point," said Tanah Abang sub-district head Dicky Suherlan when confirmed, Saturday, July 23.

District Head Dicky emphasized that when he saw the teenager trying to come back again, the officers turned him away again.

"We have disbanded, they are trying to come back again. We immediately chased the teenager away and we took care of it," he said.

Officers also guarded the location until Saturday, July 23 at around 02.30 WIB in the morning. The guard is carried out until it is stated that the teenager will not return.

"We will continue to disband this and will place officers there," he said.

Previously reported, the Central Jakarta Metro Police said that the use of a zebra cross for fashion shows at the Citayem Fashion Week (CFW) event was against the rules.

"Definitely not (don't agree with the zebra crossing as a fashion show)," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when contacted, Friday, July 22.

"Zebra crosses are intended for pedestrians, and there are vehicle activities passing by. So if there are activities using road facilities, it is against the rules," he added.

Kombes Komarudin said his party supports the creativity of the teenagers. However, according to him, the place used is not appropriate.

"Maybe the activity is good as a form of creation for young people, but the place is wrong, you can find a place that does not interfere with community activities and public order," he said.

Furthermore, Kombes Komarudin said that his party had taken action related to these activities. He said the disbandment would be carried out as long as there were disturbing activities.

"Yesterday we disbanded and we will continue to monitor its activities. The possibility (permanent dissolution) will be carried out as long as there are violations of applicable rules," he said.

According to him, in responding to the phenomenon of ABG 'SCBD' all parties are considered necessary to participate in monitoring according to their capacity. He said that strict action would be taken if there were violations of the law in the area.

"As I have said before, in responding to this phenomenon, all parties must participate in accordance with their capacity. The problem of violations of public order is of course Satpol PP, problems related to violations of police law," he said.

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