
SERANG - Fahmi Bachmid as Nikita Mirzani's attorney said that his client had received a letter from the National Police Propam regarding his report a few weeks ago.

The letter stated that Nikita's report to the Serang City Police Investigators found sufficient evidence about the professional ethics of the Police.

“Essentially, Nikita received a letter from the Head of the Propam Division which was shown to Nikita who had complained about the Propam. Nikita has also been examined and the results of the examination found evidence of violations of professional ethics," Fahmi told reporters at the Serang City Police, Friday, July 22.

"(Police Propam Letter related-ed) the question that was carried out by investigators (Serang City Police," he continued.

Departing from the letter, Fahmi asked the police to stop the case against his client.

Furthermore, he asked to be transferred to the Polda Metro Jaya, the aim is not to take sides.

"Therefore, the Nikita case must be stopped. So neutral. We ask that the Polda Metro Jaya or Bareskrim be delegated. It is not handled by the Serang City Police," he said.

When asked about the basis for Nikita's reporting to the National Police Propam, Fahmi said that the report was related to the siege of Serang City Police investigators.

“Regarding anything, regarding the siege. Therefore, those who carry out the examination will also be examined by the National Police Propam,” he concluded.

Previously, Nikita Mirzani was forcibly picked up by the Serang City Police at Senayan City Mall, Jakarta, Thursday, at 14.50 WIB.

Nikita was named a suspect on suspicion of alleged ITE crimes and defamation reported by Dito Mahendra.

The pick-up was led directly by Kasatreskrim Polresta Serang City AKP David Adhi Kusuma with 3 female police personnel.

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