
SEMARANG - The joint TNI-Polri team has identified the perpetrators and intellectual actors behind the shooting case against the wife of a TNI member in Banyumanik, Semarang City on Monday, July 18, last.

This was stated by the Head of Semarang Polrestabes Kombes Irwan Anwar accompanied by Kapendam Lt. Col. Bambang Hermanto at a press conference on the progress of handling the case at the Semarang Police Headquarters on Friday, July 22, afternoon.

“The team has found the pattern of the perpetrators of this crime, it has narrowed. Then we have also confirmed and found the motive for this crime. We have also identified the perpetrators of this crime, both from field actors and intellectual actors or those suspected of ordering them to do so," said Irwan Anwar in a written statement, Friday, July 22, afternoon.

Head of Semarang Polrestabes Kombes Irwan Anwar accompanied by Kapendam Lieutenant Colonel Inf Bambang Hermanto at a press conference/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

Irwan explained that based on the results of the crime scene, there were four people suspected of being the perpetrators in the shooting case.

“They have been identified, their homes, their friends, their families, we all know. We mobilize the perpetrators to surrender in good faith, but these perpetrators are still hiding themselves," he said.

It was also explained that the joint team had managed to confiscate two two-wheeled vehicle armor units used by the perpetrators. The two ranmors are green ninja motorbikes and black honda beats. One of the vehicles even had its body color changed to trick the officers.

"We confiscated this vehicle from the house of a colleague of one of the perpetrators. It was confiscated on Jalan Pamularsih and in Sayung at one of the houses of a colleague of this group of perpetrators,” he said, pointing to the motorbike evidence.

"On CCTV yesterday the vehicle was green, but after the incident by the perpetrators, the paint was changed from bright green to light green to remove traces of this incident," he said.

In addition to securing the vehicle suspected of being a means of crime, from the results of the crime scene, bullet casings suspected to have come from the perpetrator's firearm were also secured.

The motorbike used by the perpetrators of the shooting of the wife of a TNI member in Semarang, was confiscated by the police as evidence/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

Along with the projectiles removed from the victim's body, the shell casings have now been handed over to the Forensic Laboratory for investigation.

"Later, the ballistics theory will be tested when the weapons allegedly used will be matched whether (the projectiles and shells) come out of the barrel of this weapon or not. The bullet is already singing, the weapon we are looking for, the caliber is 9 mm," he concluded.

For this reason, it was also emphasized that the joint team was still pursuing to arrest the perpetrators and find the firearm used by the perpetrator to shoot the victim.

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