
JAMBI - The tomb of the late Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J in Sungai Bahar, Muaro Jambi Regency is now guarded by relatives ahead of a re-autopsy involving an independent party. A re-autopsy will be carried out after the family's attorney reports the irregularities of his death to the National Police Headquarters.

"We started guarding the tomb since last night after it was confirmed that a re-autopsy would be carried out, guarding is carried out only at night," said Rudi Sihotang, Chairman of the United Batak Youth Representative (UN), at Joshua's grave which is 2 kilometers from the funeral home in the area. Bahar Unit 1 oil palm plantation, Muaro Jambi, was reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 22.

He said that because there was information that there was a re-autopsy with exhumation, the family or lawyer considered this tomb to be guarded so that nothing untoward happened.

"We have been guarding the grave since last night and we have placed four people on guard at the tomb from 20.30 WIB to 05.30 WIB. That is at the request of the family," he said.

His family and lawyers requested that the tomb be guarded because, according to him, this issue had not been resolved so that his party as a United Nations organization carried out the guarding.

"We don't know if it will be dismantled secretly, so we are on guard ahead of the re-autopsy. At Joshua's tomb, it seems that lighting has been provided," said Rudi Sihotang.

Meanwhile, the Horas Bangso Batak mass organization (HBB) will also hold a 1,000-candle-light solidarity action for the late Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J which will be held at the Jambi Governor's office, Telanaipura, Jambi City, on Saturday, July 23. The activity will be held from 18.00 WIB until 19.30 WIB.

Jambi Province HBB as the initiator of this solidarity action has finalized this action plan by holding a meeting of all administrators, advisors, and members of the Jambi Province HBB DPD.

This action is a form of solidarity for the late Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J who died unnaturally in Jakarta, Friday, July 8th.

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