
YOGYAKARTA - Member of Commission B of the Yogyakarta City DPRD, Fokki Ardianto, assessed the discourse on the ban on selective cutting of electric scooters or autopets.

According to him, the prohibition of electric scooters from crossing the streets of Yogyakarta City ignores violations for other types of vehicles.

"One of them is a motorized tricycle which is still operating in Yogyakarta," said Fokki in Yogyakarta, Thursday, July 21.

According to him, the legal basis for the Yogyakarta City Government to draw up a plan to prohibit the operation of electric scooters and other similar vehicles refers to the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 45 of 2020.

"If the legal basis is Permenhub, motorized rickshaws should be prohibited from operating. Regulations must be enforced in full, not selective," he said, according to Antara.

Therefore, Fokki suggested that the Yogyakarta City Government organize the operation of electric scooters by providing space.

"Of course, the space given also has an appeal. If you only provide space and scooter rentals don't sell, yes, it's the same," he said.

Previously, the DIY Government issued a Circular Letter from the Governor of DIY which contained a ban on the operation of electric scooters or autopets and other similar vehicles on Jalan Malioboro, Jalan Margo Utomo, and Jalan Margo Mulyo.

However, there are still electric scooter or scooter rental business actors who violate these rules, as observed by the Yogyakarta City Independent Monitoring Forum (Forpi) on Wednesday, July 20, evening.

A number of electric scooter tenants can still be seen driving the vehicle on the west side of Jalan Margo Utomo.

"There have been actions and signs that prohibit operations have been put in place, but they haven't been a deterrent. Business actors don't seem to have the good faith to comply with the rules," said Yogyakarta City Forpi member Baharuddin Kamba.

Previously, the Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta, Sumadi, said that the preparation of a mayoral regulation for the operation of electric scooters or scooters had been completed but was awaiting approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"It has been submitted to the Legal Bureau to be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The procedure is like that and may take time. I hope the rules can be passed by the end of July," he said.

He said that the local government chose not to facilitate other places for electric scooter rental actors because they considered that business actors did not comply with the rules.

Thus, the Yogyakarta City Government plans to prohibit the activity or operation of electric scooters and scooters in all areas of the city.

Previously, the local government was going to provide special facilities for electric scooter or scooter rental businesses, namely in the Kotabaru area.

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