
JAKARTA - People in Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua can finally enjoy cheap cooking oil with the inclusion of subsidized bulk cooking oil for Rp. 14,000 per liter.

Murni, a resident of Karumateri in Wasior, Thursday, July 21, said the presence of bulk oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 set by the government is very helpful for people who have had to buy packaged cooking oil at a relatively high price.

"This is already very cheap. Usually we buy 5 liters for Rp. 128,000, sometimes up to Rp. 135,000 (non-premium packaged cooking oil). This is Rp. 14,000, so if 5 liters are only Rp. 70,000, it will reduce the financial burden quite a bit," said Murni, quoted from Antara.

This July for the first time Wondama Bay received a supply of bulk cooking oil with a quota of 22 tons.

Residents immediately stormed the bulk oil sales outlet at the Syaloom Wasior Congregational Cooperative Building on the first day of sales, Wednesday (20/7).

A total of eight drums of bulk cooking oil were sold out immediately, bought by residents in less than six hours.

The community, which is dominated by women, comes with various containers. Some brought jerry cans ranging from small to large, gallons of drinking water, buckets and even pots were brought along.

There are no special requirements. Buyers only need to show ID.

Murni, who is a fried food trader, hopes that the supply of subsidized bulk oil will continue to exist so that small communities who have been hit hard by the high price of cooking oil as well as other basic necessities can be helped.

"At least when cooking oil is expensive, there is help like this. It's pretty good to help the kitchen finances. So it's very helpful," said Murni, who admitted to buying 30 liters.

Hardi, Manager of the Syaloom Wasior Congregation Cooperative, said that the distribution of bulk cooking oil in Teluk Wondama Regency is a collaboration between his party and UD Koko, which is also supported by the Teluk Wondama Regency Government.

"We, the Syalom Cooperative with partners (UD Koko) help ease the burden on the community by bringing in this oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 with a quota of 22 tons," said Hardi.

Hardi said that he could not confirm that the supply of bulk cooking oil would continue to enter Wondama Bay. The reason is, it depends on the availability of stocks owned by bulk oil producers in Java who are their customers.

"Depending on the producer, if there is stock, we can sell it to the public. The plan is that there must be supplies coming every month. We hope that this will help the community," said Hardi.

Regarding sales, he admitted that for the first stage there was no limit. Residents only need to show their ID cards and can be served immediately.

However, if the interest continues to explode, it is not impossible that later sales restrictions will be made.

"There could be restrictions later because this is still the first stage so we are still adjusting. It is possible for people on the island if they want to come here. We don't discriminate between each other, all are the same. That's why all consumers must have ID cards because they will be reported according to the existing rules," said Hardi.

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