
TANGERANG - A man with the initials AA (26), a resident of Binong Village, Curug District, Tangerang Regency, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mauk Polresta Tangerang Police for committing fraud and embezzlement of a motorbike belonging to a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) student.

Tangerang Police Chief, Police Grand Commissioner Raden Romdhon Natakusuma said the suspect's target was a minor.

"The suspects' targets to become victims are minors," said Romdhon, Tuesday, July 19.

Romdhon explained the mode used by the suspect was hypnosis. "The victim is an MTs student in Kemiri District, Tangerang Regency, which happened in Kemiri Village, Kemiri District on Sunday (13 July)," he said.

Romdhon said that at first, the victim was taking part in extracurricular activities at school, then a suspect unknown to the victim suddenly approached the victim and asked for help to be taken to a place because her sister's motorbike broke down.

Then the victim along with a friend and also the suspect set off on the victim's motorbike. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), the victim and his friend were dropped, while the suspect used the victim's motorbike to buy drinks but the suspect never returned.

The victim also told the incident to her parents. After that, the victim's parents reported the incident to the Mauk Police and the victim suffered a loss of up to IDR 12 million.

"The suspect by trickery influenced the victim so that the victim gave up his motorbike," said Romdhon.

The officer who received the report continues to investigate the case. "Based on the results of the investigation, officers arrested a man, namely suspect AA in Sukabakti Village, Curug District, Tangerang Regency. The arrest was based on the motorbike used by the suspect being identical to the victim's motorbike which was reported to have been taken away. After interrogation, the suspect admitted that he had stolen the motorbike from a student in Kemiri District," he explained.

The suspect and the evidence were brought for further investigation.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 4 years in prison.

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