
JAKARTA - This is the location of the deadly accident of a Pertamina tanker truck in the Alternative Transyogi area of Cibubur, Bekasi, West Java, Tuesday (19/7). Police conduct a crime scene investigation at the site of the deadly Pertamina tanker truck accident in the Alternative Transyogi area of Cibubur, Bekasi, West Java. Photographs were taken using a scanner. Starting from the starting point to the point where the Pertamina tanker truck stops. The fatal accident occurred in the Alternative Transyogi area of Cibubur, Bekasi, on Monday, July 18. Pertamina's tanker truck hit dozens of vehicles causing 10 people to die. The exact cause is not known. However, it is suspected that Pertamina's tanker truck experienced a failed brake. Watch the video below.

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