BADUNG - The Edge Bali Hotel, which turned the cave into a luxury restaurant, explained the cave's discovery. The cave was discovered in 2014 when they were going to build a villa in the hotel area of The Edge.
The Financial Controller of The Edge Bali Hotel, Ketut Sumatra, said the discovery of the cave began when the hotel manager arranged the land to build the foundation of the villa. At that time the ground collapsed and a hole was found that led to the cave.
"It was found around 2014. After it was found, we finally didn't dare to use it for what, because we didn't know the strength of the cave that was there", Sumatra told reporters, Tuesday, July 19.
It was only in 2016 that the idea emerged for the cave to be turned into a luxury restaurant. This cave restaurant at The Edge Hotel will then operate on 19 May 2022.
The hotel did not report the discovery of the cave because it was still in the hotel area. Sumatra confirmed that The Edge Bali has a Tourism Business Registration Certificate (TDUP) permit which is said to include the use of caves.
"Because it is located in the Edge environment. So we assume that whatever is there can be used. Because the TDUP application permit includes all guest facilities, be it swimming pools, restaurants, and so on", continued Sumatra.
"We confirmed again to the Licensing Service, that the (cave) was indeed included in the TDUP", he asserted.
The 'transformation' of the cave into a restaurant is claimed by the hotel not to change anything from the structure of the cave. According to Sumatra, the hotel only added a framework for the visitor's floor.
To be able to enjoy the sensation of luxury dining in this cave, the hotel set a package per person of IDR 1.3 million.
"For (visitors) mostly from abroad", said Sumatra.
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