
PAPUA - A total of 21 Programs for Formation of Regional Regulations (propemperda) derived from Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) were ratified by the West Papua DPRD.

The propemperda was determined after the DPRD and the West Papua Provincial Government held a plenary meeting in Manokwari, Monday, July 18 evening.

Acting (Pj) Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw expressed his appreciation to the leadership members of the West Papua legislature through the Bapemperda for the cooperation that was built with the government in the preparation of the 21 draft laws for two weeks. "This extraordinary collaboration proves the commitment of the legislature and executive in West Papua in supporting development programs within the framework of Otsus for the benefit of indigenous Papuans and Indonesian citizens who inhabit this Cassowary Earth," said Waterpauw.

Based on Antara's report, the 21 draft laws consist of 13 draft provincial regulations (raperdasi).

Furthermore, it consists of 8 draft special regional regulations (raperdasus) which are strategic program planning instruments in accordance with the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law for the benefit of indigenous Papuans. It is known that of the 21 propemperda 6 of which are the initiative rights of the DPRP West Papua and 15 others are proposals by the Provincial Government of West Papua.

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