
JAKARTA - Brigadier J's family attorney, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, revealed the last conversation of the deceased before it was discovered that he had died.

Brigadier J had contacted the family through the WhatsApp group and reported that he was in Magelang with his superiors.

Information on this conversation was also conveyed to investigators when reporting. According to Kamaruddin, there are two possible locations for the death of Brigadier J. First, at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, or second, between Magelang and Jakarta.

This allegation emerged after Brigadier J had given the news to the family on the same day he died, Friday, July 8. At 10.00 WIB, Brigadier J said in the WA group that he was escorting his superiors or commanders in Magelang.

"It was known from the WA group and the parents' conversation," explained Kamaruddin at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Monday, July 18.

Brigadier J's family is known to be on a pilgrimage to North Sumatra in Balige when the communication took place. Kamaruddin continued, Brigadier J also asked his family not to contact him for 7 hours because he was still with the leadership.

"After 10.00 WIB he asked for permission to escort him back to Jakarta. So it is unethical for an aide to escort a leader who is still WA and makes calls. Ask for seven hours not to be disturbed," explained Kamaruddin.

After seven hours or at 17.00 the family finally contacted the person concerned either by phone or WA message. Unfortunately this phone or WA is not answered. Ironically, continued Kamaruddin, Brigadier J's parents WA blocked.

"By blocking their numbers, both to their fathers, mothers, including brothers and sisters, including to WhatsApp groups, they started to get nervous, but then it continued with blocking and hacking all the cellphones of their parents' families. Their cellphones could not be used, brothers and sisters All cellphones can't be used, for about a week, it means that this is an alleged premeditated murder, so how can the cellphone password be controlled, meaning that before being killed, there was an alleged coercion to open the cellphone password, "explained Kamaruddin.

Evidence regarding Brigadier J's last conversation with this family was also attached when reporting. The report from Brigadier J's family attorney has been received and registered under number LP/B/0386/VII/2022/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI, dated July 18.

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