
JAKARTA - Circulating invitations for the inauguration and oath taking of the Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI Jakarta Province by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. The inauguration is planned to be held at DKI City Hall at 13.30 WIB.

During this inauguration, Anies planned to replace DKI Jakarta Secretary Marullah Matali with Sigit Wijatmoko, who is currently serving as Assistant to the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat Government.

The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, confirmed the inauguration of the Acting Regional Secretary of DKI which was later canceled.

"I got the letter. Then this morning I confirmed it with the Regional Secretary (Marullah). He said it didn't work. It was canceled," Prasetyo said when contacted, Monday, July 18.

Based on information received by Prasetyo, Anies plans to replace Marullah with Sigit as Acting Secretary of the Region because Marullah is still performing the pilgrimage in the Holy Land.

While Marullah was in Saudi Arabia, Anies had appointed Sigit as Daily Executive (Plh) of the DKI Regional Secretary. However, now the inauguration of the change of position has been canceled when Marullah has returned to the country.

"It was extended because it was thought that Mr. Marullah was still in the Holy Land, even though he had already returned. So, (the inauguration ceremony of the Acting Secretary of DKI) did not take place," said Prasetyo.

Despite the cancellation of the inauguration ceremony, Prasetyo admitted that he was furious when he accepted the invitation. Because, according to the rules, Anies does not have full authority to replace the position of the DKI Regional Secretary.

This is because the appointment of the Acting Secretary of DKI Jakarta, said Prasetyo, is under the authority of the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri). Meanwhile, the determination of the position of the DKI Regional Secretary is decided by the President through the Minister of Home Affairs.

"That's called bypassing the President's decision to appoint," said Hasbi.

Contacted separately, a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PKB-PPP faction, Hasbiallah Ilyas, also disagreed if Anies unilaterally inaugurated the Acting Secretary of DKI to replace the position of the definitive Secretary of DKI.

Hasbi explained that Anies as the Governor of DKI only proposed the name of the candidate for PJ Secretary of DKI to the Minister of Home Affairs. The Minister of Home Affairs has the authority to accept or reject the proposal.

"The governor only proposes to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the authority lies with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Pak Anies only proposes," he said.

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