
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP Hasto Kristiyanto appreciates the support of all parties who have so far participated in supporting and making the implementation of Food Estate in Central Kalimantan successful.

He also invited the government and the community to increase enthusiasm and optimism in realizing sovereignty in the food sector.

"For this reason, we fully support President Joko Widodo's efforts to build a Food Estate in Central Kalimantan," he said in Palangka Raya, Saturday night, July 16.

One of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) is believed to have a very good impact on the state and society in meeting food needs. The implementation of PSN Food Estate in Central Kalimantan covers Pulang Pisau and Kapuas Regencies.

Furthermore, he conveyed, regarding the implementation of the National X KKN and the 2022 joint KKN held in Palangka Raya and the University of Palangka Raya (UPR) acting as the host, his party appreciated this, including the support provided by the local government.

According to him, KKN Kebangsaan is a very important activity to prepare Indonesian students to understand a concept emphasized by President Soekarno, namely that from Sabang to Merauke it is not just a series of four words, but is a unified national ideal, and a national spirit.

"Therefore, we appreciate the support of the regional government, especially the governor who supports the implementation of the National Community Service Program," he explained.

In particular, it is also hoped that Central Kalimantan will continue to spur growth and development in the education sector, including through the integration of all universities in maximizing the development of their human resources.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto Sabran, said that in the context of organizing the X National Community Service Program and the 2022 Joint Community Service Program, the provincial government and the community appreciate all parties who have entrusted and succeeded in implementing the national-scale activities in Central Kalimantan.

"As hosts, we are ready to support and facilitate this good activity. With this program, it is our hope that together we will make a positive contribution, either directly or indirectly to development," he explained.

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