
JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia came to Holywings on Jalan Gunawarman, Senopati, South Jakarta, this afternoon.

"Today we have a coordination meeting to check directly in the field to see 'fairly' what really happened," Bahlil said when met by the media, Friday, July 15, quoted from Antara.

Bahlil held a coordination meeting with the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov), the Head of the Investment Agency and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP), the Head of the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf), Satpol PP and Holywings management.

Bahlil emphasized that his arrival was an obligation as a leader and at the same time answered regarding the Electronically Integrated Business Licensing (Online Single Submission / OSS).

According to him, Holywings management objectively admits that there are indeed a number of unfinished permits and the creative way of promotion that was once busy is still running according to the law.

The Ministry of Investment is still thinking about other impacts, such as the fate of 3,000 jobs for Holywings employees and other MSMEs that must be considered.

Regarding the Holywings business license which was revoked by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov), Bahlil will hold a coordination meeting with related parties.

"Regarding the permit issue, today I will conduct technical coordination. Another meeting with the DKI Regional Government to find out what is the best solution," he said.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the Investment Agency and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) has revoked the business licenses of all 12 Holywings outlets in Jakarta on 27 June 2022.

The revocation of the permit by DPMPTSP was based on recommendations and findings of violations from two Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), namely the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office (Disparekraf) and the DKI Jakarta Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UKM (PPKUKM) Office.

As for the 12 Holywings outlets in Jakarta whose operating licenses were revoked, namely:1. Holywings which is located in North Tanjung Duren Village2. Holywings Kalideres3. Holywings in Kelapa Gading Barat4. Tiger5. Dragon6. Holywings PIK7. Holywings Reserve Senayan8. Holywings Epicentrum9. Holywings Mega Kuningan10. Garrison11. Holywings Gunawarman12. Vandetta Gatsu.

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