
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa inaugurated Adhi Karyono as the definitive East Java Provincial Secretary. The former expert staff of the Ministry of Social Affairs in the Khofifah era, is now back to accompany Khofifah

"Now the Secretary of the East Java Province is Mr. Adhi Karyono, and congratulations on carrying out his duties," said Khofifah, after the inauguration of the East Java Provincial Secretary at the Grahadi State building in Surabaya, Friday, July 15.

Adhi Karyono is expected to immediately establish communication and coordination with the Forkopimda of East Java and districts/cities, religious leaders, external agencies, and OPDs in the East Java Provincial Government. Khofifah also hopes that the new Sekdaprov will move quickly to build good synergy for the interests of East Java to rise.

"The coordination of the preparation of the 2023 RAPBD must be connected with the RPJMD and must be connected with the RKPD. We must also review the Main Performance Index (IKU) so that all synergies among all orchestrations in East Java must be reviewed," he said.

Meanwhile, the East Java Provincial Secretary, Adhi Karyono, admitted that he was grateful to be entrusted with his new position as East Java Regional Secretary. He stated that he would support and implement the programs of the Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java.

"I will work and learn quickly and adjust the rhythm here. I will also try to make it happen by building partnerships to be able to realize what is in the RPJMD and RKPD, and I ask for time for that. Today I will also immediately hold a joint coordination meeting Mrs. Governor and OPD," he said.

Based on the Decree of the Open Selection Committee for the Filling of Middle High Leadership Positions for the Regional Secretary of East Java Province number 800/2312/Pansel-JPTM/2022, there are three names that have passed the selection of candidates for the Regional Secretary of East Java Province.

The three are Adhy Karyono (Expert Staff of the Ministry of Social Affairs), Jumadi (Head of the East Java Provincial Forestry Service), and Nurkholis (Head of the East Java Province Energy and Mineral Resources Service).

The three names are applicants who passed a series of selection stages from administrative selection, assessment, paper writing (policy brief), interviews, to track records.

The next stage, the three names will be submitted to the Head of the State Civil Apparatus (KASN), the Minister of Home Affairs, to the final assessment team. The final assessment team is an integrated team from a number of ministries and institutions chaired by the president and vice president.

It was previously reported that the East Java Provincial Secretary's seat has been vacant since March 6, 2021, after Heru Tjahjono entered his retirement period. To fill the seat of the Regional Secretary, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa again appointed Heru Tjahjono as the daily executive (Plh) of the Regional Secretariat until early January 2022.

Then, on January 12, 2022, Khofifah inaugurated Wahid Wahyudi as the Acting Secretary (Pj) of the East Java Provincial Secretary who also served as the Head of the East Java Provincial Education Office.

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