
MEKKAH - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas again reminded pilgrims not to put Zamzam water in the luggage bag because it is not allowed in the flight regulations. Minister of Religion, after releasing the return of pilgrims from Solo Embarkation Group 2 (SOC 2) at Jeddah Airport, Friday July 15. Minister of Religion asked pilgrims not to worry about Zamzam water, because pilgrims will get it upon arrival at the Hajj hostel. prepared in the country. If anyone can't, go to the local Ministry of Religion. God willing, it will be prepared," said the Minister of Religion. Previously, there were still many suitcases of pilgrims who still carried Zamzam water, such as SOC 4, 297 suitcases were found which indicated Zamzam water from 360 suitcases pilgrims, so they must be dismantled again. Based on flight safety rules, it is not allowed to put Zamzam water into the luggage suitcase. This rule is also in accordance with the provisions of a circular issued by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA). Congregants are still trying to carry Zamzam in a suitcase in various ways, such as being covered with duct tape and wrapped in clothes. PDG 1) previously also found 50 suitcases in which there was Zamzam water, both small and large, which was detected directly from the x-ray.

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