
BANTEN - The Banten Regional Police arrested the perpetrators of injecting 3 kilograms of subsidized gas into 12 kilograms of non-subsidized gas, in Kampung Ragas Grenyang, Argawanan Village, Pulo Ampel District, Serang Regency. ) is still looking for people (DPO)," said Head of the Tipidter IV Ditreskrimsus Banten Police Commissioner Trisno Tahanuji during a press conference at the Banten Police, Serang, Banten, quoted by Antara, Friday 15 July. 3 kg LPG cylinders to 12 kg gas cylinders, while TK as financiers buys 3 kg gas cylinders from bases or stalls and markets the 12 kg gas cylinders. The modus operandi carried out by the suspect was by buying subsidized 3 kg LPG gas and then transferring the gas using gas injector into a 12 kg non-subsidized LPG cylinder. The perpetrator puts 3 kg of gas on top of 12 kg gas and connects it to a gas syringe, so that it does not There was no explosion at the time of injection, the perpetrator used ice cubes to lower the temperature and speed up the transfer process.

The suspects bought 3 kg of gas from the warung or base, then filled the 12 kg gas cylinders and got a profit of IDR 1,241,000 per day. size 12 kg, the perpetrator used 4 cylinders of 3 kg LPG gas subsidized by the government, then 12 kg gas was sold at a price of Rp. 145.00 per cylinder. He said that at the time of his arrest on Monday, June 21, the Banten Police Ditreskrimsus investigators had confiscated evidence, namely 1 unit of black Suzuki pick-up car Nopol A-8846-AJ along with STNK and ignition keys, 3 kg LPG gas cylinders totaling 3 kg. 62 tubes (6 filled tubes and 56 empty tubes).

Furthermore, 28 cylinders of 12 kg LPG gas cylinders (10 filled cylinders, 6 new cylinders half filled, and 12 empty cylinders), 10 gas injection devices, 1 package of travel documents, and 2 bundles of gas purchase receipts. To the suspect, the practice of injecting subsidized gas has been going on for about 2 months, with the 12 kg LPG gas injected by the suspect being marketed by the suspect TK using the legal entity PT Sofa Marwah Gasindo.

However, the PT is not registered with the Director General of Oil and Gas as a company that distributes LPG gas sales and part of it is sold by MU to restaurants. For the actions of the two suspects, the investigator charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended with Article 40 point 9 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and Article 62 in conjunction with Article 8 letters b and c of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1e of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 6 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of IDR 60 billion.

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