
JAKARTA - Politician Ruhut Sitompul responded to the statement by the Deputy of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party, Kamhar Lakumani, who likened the moment of the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) in Lampung to the actions of President Jokowi against his son.

The former Democrat Party politician admitted that he was furious with Kamhar's words. Because of his anger, Ruhut said that many of the cadres from the parties he grew up with acted like people who had "warts on the brain".

"I'm really sad to read this, why is the party I once raised, now its cadres have lots of warts on their brains ha ha ha. I had to laugh out loud. INDEPENDENT," said Ruhut on his Twitter account, @ruhutsitompul, quoted Thursday, July 14 .

A number of people think that Zulhas' actions were unethical when he went to a traditional market in Bandar Lampung on Saturday, July 9.

The reason is that the General Chair of the PAN distributes free cooking oil (migor) belonging to the government under the brand Oilita while campaigning for his son, Futri Zulya Savitri, who will run for the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

Deputy for Bappilu DPP for the Democratic Party, Kamhar Lakumani, was one of those who criticized Zulhas' actions. He considered Zulhas' actions as a state official, especially a ministerial class, very embarrassing.

According to Kamhar, Zulhas prioritized his personal interests above his main duties as Minister of Trade.

However, Kamhar assessed that Zulhas' actions against his daughter in Lampung were not much different from what President Jokowi had done to his son-in-law.

"What Mr. Zulhas did is actually no different from what Mr. Jokowi did to his children and in-laws. The difference is that Mr. Zulhas uses his own hands while Mr. Jokowi uses the hands of his assistants. This is a bad example in efforts to mature democracy by the authorities," Kamhar said in a written statement. , quoted Thursday 14 July.

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