
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police formed a special team to investigate allegations of misappropriation of funds from the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) charity. The team contains five Sub-Directorates of Special Economic Crimes.

"The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes has formed a special team involving five sub-directories in Dittipideksus to handle the ACT case," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, July 13.

For the development of the examination in this case, investigators have examined eight witnesses. Two of them were former and President of ACT, Ahyudin and Ibnu Khajar.

Their examination was even conducted in a marathon for the past four days. The examination material starts from the legality of the foundation to the management of funds.

"Taking statements from eight witnesses, consisting of two project implementers or construction volunteers and six people from the foundation," said Ramadhan.

Then, investigators will also study the results of the analysis of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). Thus, evidence and instructions will be clearer to reveal alleged criminal acts.

"Requesting financial data from accounts owned by the ACT foundation and affiliated parties. And tracing assets and assets," said Ramadhan.

For information, the case of alleged misappropriation of funds by ACT is currently in the investigation stage. That way, sooner or later a suspect will be identified.

The increase in the status of this case is based on the results of the case title. The police believe that a crime has been committed in this case.

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