
TANGSEL – Residents of Jalan Bintaro Utama, East Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel) were shocked by the discovery of the body of a baby girl in the canal. The baby was found dead and smelled bad.

The East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Yulianto, confirmed the discovery of the baby. The incident occurred on Wednesday, July 13, at 15.00 WIB.

Yulianto thought the baby had died one day ago. This is said because the corpse was already emitting an unpleasant odor.

"It is estimated that the deceased died in about 1 day. (Besides-ed) the death victim is suspected to have been dumped by his parents," said Yulianto when confirmed, Wednesday, July 13.

Yulianto explained that the discovery came from a witness named Yusrun who received information that there was a baby in the canal near the Bintaro Mosque, South Tangerang.

"There was another person cleaning the sewer because the water overflowed after the rain, then that person told witness 1 that there was the body of a baby," he explained.

Another witness, Jakaria, admitted that he also received information from an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) that there was a baby's body. After that, he immediately notified Binmas Aiptu Nur Hadi.

"According to the testimony of witness 2 that at that time he was on guard at Farmers suddenly a motorcycle taxi driver approached and gave information that there was a baby's body at the TKP (the crime scene), then witness 2 informed Binmas AIPTU Nur Hadi.

"At around 15.30 WIB, all the picket functions with the IPTU Pawas leadership, Abdul Malik, carried out the crime scene," he said.

When asked about the cause of death of the baby, he admitted that his party was still investigating the case. He only confirmed that the victim had been taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta.

"The victim was taken to Fatmawati Hospital for a Visum Et Referentum," he concluded.

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