
PALU - Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Central Sulawesi Sandra Tobondo said that the number of very underdeveloped villages in the area decreased by 123 during 2019-2022. Currently only 17 villages remain.

"From the available data, there are 140 villages left behind in 2019 and in 2022 there are 17 villages left," he said in Palu as reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 12.

Sandra said based on data released by the Community and Village Empowerment Agency (BPMD), the number of underdeveloped villages in 2019 was still 952 villages and in 2022 it decreased to 266 villages.

"Village development in 2022 is very fast, this is the fruit of Governor 8's attention to increase village growth," said Sandra.

Sandra continued that the number of developed villages in Central Sulawesi also increased in 2022 to 522 villages from the previous year, only 53 villages.

"For developing villages, it also increased from the previous 696 villages in 2019 and 2022 to 995 villages," he explained.

"This year, independent villages have become 42 villages, from the previous year in 2019, there was only one village," he added.

The growth of village development in the area received appreciation from the Governor of Central Sulawesi Rusdy Mastura.

According to Rusdy, the growth of this village must be followed by an increase in the welfare of the community.

Rusdy said, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government will provide assistance to underdeveloped and very underdeveloped villages in 2023 through the APBD of Rp. 20 million for BPJS guarantees for vulnerable communities.

"I ask that the regent can convey to each village to allocate ADD funds of Rp. 20 million for BPJS for vulnerable communities. It is hoped that with this assistance these villages can become developing and advanced villages," said Rusdy.

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