
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has been urged to investigate allegations of corruption by the Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa. He is suspected of being involved in corruption related to personal wealth and abuse of authority or power.

This pressure came from the Anti-Corruption Student (Komasi) mass. They took action at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13.

"We ask the Indonesian KPK to carry out further investigations regarding the alleged involvement of Suharso Monoarfa's corruption," said Komasi Field Coordinator Kurnia Septian during the action.

In this action, Kurnia said, her party will move to the State Palace if the anti-corruption commission is not followed up. Massive action will be carried out until the investigation into the alleged corruption is carried out.

"We will carry out a movement at the State Palace, asking Pak Joko Widodo to act decisively. Because Pak Jokowi also has to know, there is a problem in his working cabinet," he said.

Kurnia said that the alleged corruption was allegedly carried out by Suharso for several reasons. One of them is because the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) submitted to the anti-corruption commission has increased rapidly, which is considered odd.

"State Officials' Wealth Reports (LHKPN) issued by the KPK from 2018 to 2019 show a significant increase in wealth, this is odd," he stressed.

"Then, Suharso is also suspected of abusing his authority. This happened because of the alleged use of jet planes for personal interests," continued Kurnia.

In addition, there was also a series of actions that asked Suharso Monoarfa to resign from the positions of Head of Bappenas and General Chair of the United Development Party (PPP).

Meanwhile, Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that all public reports received by his party would be verified and studied. In fact, for this report, his party has informed the follow-up to related parties.

"The information we received, the KPK has responded to the report directly to the reporting party. Of course this is done according to the mechanism and provisions," said Ali in his written statement.

"KPK ensures that every public report received by the KPK will be followed up with verification and review and enrichment of information," he said.

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