
JAKARTA - The survey results from the Indonesian Political Parameters on 15-29 June 2022 show that current voters want a bold, disciplined, and firm presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

Indonesian Political Parameter Executive Director Adi Prayitno said 9.7 percent of respondents wanted someone who was brave, disciplined and firm.

"This motive has received a significant position," Adi said at an online event to release the results of the national survey of the Latest Political Maps Ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 12.

The survey results also show as many as 9 percent of respondents want a populist candidate for president. Another 8.4 percent of respondents want a good presidential candidate.

"These are three important things that actually come to the minds of the voters, which we conclude as the psychological preferences of voters," said Adi.

The survey results also show the aspect of rational preferences of voters who look at the performance and leadership of the presidential candidate.

As many as 16.9 percent of respondents tend to choose a presidential candidate with proven performance. Respondents 7.2 percent will choose a candidate who has good leadership and 3.3 percent of respondents choose someone who can lead Indonesia.

Adi Prayitno said the survey results put the psychological preferences of voters in first place at 52.7 percent. There is also the rational preference of voters in the second position of 30.1 percent.

Sociological preferences of voters who tend to choose a presidential candidate based on ethnicity and religion only reached 2.2 percent.

The survey results conclude that the current voter base is more likely to look at the psychological preferences of the presidential candidate, then see rational preferences through the performance of the presidential candidate.

Survey of Indonesian Political Parameters on 15-29 June 2022 with respondents being residents who are at least 17 years old or married.

A sample of 1,200 respondents was taken by simple random sampling method. Data collection was carried out using the telepolling method using a questionnaire conducted by trained enumerators as a result of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in several areas.

The level of confidence (significant level) for this survey is 95 percent with a margin of error of 2.9 percent.

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